Our team of experts collaborate their individual expertise.

Our consultants specialize in determining current property values, and designing specifically tailored strategies that can be implemented and add value to any property.
The team of experts at PSI collaborate their individual expertise to compile a thorough property assessment and/or due diligence report that encompasses every aspect of any specific property. The individual experts that comprise the entire team are also available to compile reports that focus on a partial aspect of a property. Whether a client is contemplating the purchase of a property or seeks a third party assessment of a currently owned property and the services that are currently in place, PSI will develop a tailored report. A complete consulting report includes:
- A complete financial analysis of the income and expenses.
- A physical inspection of the property.
- Physical property inspection recommendations (cleanliness, items in need of repair, liability exposures, etc.)
- 10 year capital pro forma.
- Assessment of vacant spaces along with recommendations.
- Inspection and assessment of recent repairs and capital improvements.
- A tenant survey to determine existing building management issues.
- An interview with the current property management staff to determine if adequate policies and procedures are in place.
- A CAM and TAX expense analysis.
- A complete lease audit.
- Expense reduction and property value add plan.